Some say Lilith was Adam’s first wife, and/or she was the serpent who tempted Eve into eating the fruit of the Tree of Knowledge. But that’s not what this essay is about.

Searching for Lilith

Beth Winegarner
6 min readFeb 14, 2019

I’ve had Lilith on my mind a lot lately. I think it started when I was listening to a Fat Feminist Witch episode in which the host, Paige, was talking about the Black Moon Lilith. In astrology, the Black Moon Lilith is an empty space between the Earth and the Moon’s apogee, and it’s feature that wasn’t well known when I was learning astrology more than 30 years ago. As I was reading about it, I was growing really annoyed at popular websites describing…



Beth Winegarner

Journalist, editor, author, opinionator. Bylines: Guardian, New Yorker, Vice, Mother Jones, Wired. Much more at